How To Change A Tire - Teen Driving School Tips To Remember

We all know that driver’s ed can be hard to sit through. Being able to pay attention through the long courses can be very hard, especially if you had a long day, to begin with. It’s unfortunate, because a lot of the information provided is extremely useful, and comes in handy when you least expect it.

For example, some teen driving school classes offer to teach their students about various vehicle maintenance procedures, such as changing your oil or windshield wiper fluid. While these tasks may seem simple to perform, making one slight mistake can cost you a significant amount of money in repairs. One of the most common vehicle maintenance procedures that can occur is changing a flat tire. Unfortunately, many young people around the country fail to know how to perform this task properly and effectively.

If you’re heading on a trip, or even if you aren’t, it’s important to understand how changing a tire works. This will save you a lot of headaches in the future. Because many people either forget or don’t know how to perform such a task, our team at Traffic School Critics thought it would be a good idea to go over.

The Essentials

As they may mention at a teen driving school, there are a handful of essential tools you need in order to change a tire properly: a simple jack, lug wrench, and a spare tire. Most cars come equipped with such tools. If you aren’t sure, make sure to check the owner’s manual of your car. Once you have all those tools in place, inspect every one of them to make sure everything is in good shape. Making sure you have all these tools and that they are in good shape will help save a lot of stress and headaches down the road.

Optional Items

While these items are not mandatory in order to change a tire, they can be of great help in case you’re in a compromising situation. Having items such as a flashlight can help you if you happen to pop a tire at nighttime. Gloves and a plastic rain poncho can help you significantly in case you get caught in a rainstorm. A tarp to kneel on is also helpful in making things a little more comfortable. Lastly, items like a tire gauge and tire blocks will make checking air pressure much easier.

The Process

Here we are! These are the steps we feel you should take when changing a new tire:

  1. Find Somewhere Safe To Pull Over: Safety first! Changing a tire can be extremely dangerous, especially if you’re stuck alongside a highway. If you’re on the freeway, try taking the next exit. However, if this is not possible, pull as far over to the shoulder as possible. Avoid parking in the middle of a curve or in a spot where approaching cars cannot see you right away. Get all your mandatory and optional materials together, set your parking brake, turn on your hazards, and choose a flat spot to work on.
  2. Use The Wrench: The first step in the tire-changing process is loosening the lug nuts with your wrench. Do not remove the lug nuts at this point. All we want to do is loosen them by turning our wrench to the left (counter-clockwise). If the lug nuts are not budging, try placing the wrench on the nut while standing on the wrench arm; placing your full weight on it.
  3. Using The Jack To Lift The Vehicle: Now it’s time to use the car jack. Different car models may have different places to place the jack. Therefore, it’s always wise to consult your owner’s manual for the specific location. Once the jack is in the correct spot, jack your car about 6 inches off the ground.
  4. Fully Remove The Lug Nuts And Remove The Tire: It is now time to take the lug nuts off completely. Make sure you place the lug nuts in a spot that won’t you won’t lose them. Once they’re off, pull the tire straight toward yourself in order to remove it from the wheelbase.
  5. Put The Spare On, And Properly Lower The Car To The Ground: Line up the holes in the spare with the lug nut posts, and push the spare all the way onto the wheelbase. Find your lug nuts, and put them on. However, don’t put them on tightly! Make sure the lug nuts are on enough so that the spare can stay in the car for a moment. Once this is completed, use the jack to bring the car back down to ground level. After removing the jack from underneath the car, tighten those lug nuts all the way. However, rather than tightening them one by one in order, start with one lug nut, tighten it halfway, and then move to the opposite nut (across the circle); tightening that one the same amount. Keep tightening opposite lug nuts gradually in turn until each lug nut is as tight as it can be.
  6. Clean Up The Mess: Once everything is completed, put your flat tire and tools back in your trunk. Congratulations!

Tire Change – FAQs

Is it safe to change a tire by yourself?

As long as you take the proper precautions and are using the right tools and equipment, then changing your tire is perfectly safe if you’re in a pinch.

Just remember to make sure you’re on a hard surface, such as concrete instead of softer soil when you jack up your car. This is because softer surfaces may cause your jack to sink. 

Can I drive on a flat tire?

Driving any amount of distance on a flat tire isn’t safe in any circumstances. You should always park your car on the side of the road and replace the tire or call for assistance before going further.

Driving on a flat tire entails a serious risk of damage not only to the car and its internals but also increases the risk of an accident that puts you and others on the road at risk.

Is it cheaper to change your own tires?

While you can save a few dollars by avoiding the trip to the workshop, it’s best to get your tires replaced by an expert, unless it’s absolutely necessary that you do it yourself.

Experts ensure that tires are secure and can check for any other issues while they’re at it. 

How much does it cost to replace 4 tires?

While the cost of replacing four tires depends on your vehicle, tire size, and where you live, the general average tire change normally costs around $15-$50. 

Visit Traffic School Critics For Other Useful Information

While we know that certain teen driving school programs teach vehicle maintenance situations, it can be hard to remember perfectly. That’s why we thought that having this information regarding changing a tire was important. Consult this information if you’re ever unsure on how to go about the process.

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